Get Counselling For Divorce And Separation

Marriage Therapists Ottawa offers divorce counselling and divorce therapy for couples or individuals going through a separation. We strive to offer a safe space for our patients to explore their emotions, concerns, and fears related to the divorce process.

No matter what stage in the divorce process you may be, divorce counselling can help individuals gain clarity, make informed decisions, and develop effective coping strategies. Our expert divorce therapists can even help improve communication, manage conflicts, and identify underlying issues that may have contributed to marital problems.




How We Can Help

Our goal at Marriage Therapists Ottawa is to offer a safe space where our divorce counselling therapists can provide support, guidance, and the right tools to help individuals cope with the emotional and practical challenges of ending a marriage or long-term relationship.

The specific focus and goals of divorce counselling can vary widely on the unique circumstances and needs of each person or couple involved. Our experts at Marriage Therapists Ottawa want to help you get to the bottom of any issues you’re experiencing and improve the quality of your life pre-divorce, post-divorce, or during.


Is Divorce Counselling Right For Me?

No matter what stage you are in your divorce, divorce counselling can be beneficial for a variety of people, including:

    • Individuals considering or going through a divorce
    • Divorced individuals adjusting to life after divorce
    • Parents dealing with the impact of divorce on children
    • Divorced parents looking to improve co-parenting skills

If any of the situations listed above resonate with you, divorce counselling may provide helpful support and insight. We’ve provided hundreds of patients across the Ottawa area with the tools to help improve their overall quality of life. Contact our team of experts today for any enquiries regarding divorce counselling or divorce therapy in Ottawa.

Book a Consultation with Dr. Rovers or His Associates!