How Seeking Relationship Counselling Makes Your Relationship Stronger

Relationship Counselling OttawaRelationship Counselling is Not Evidence of a Failing Relationship.

Most people take relationship counselling to be a bad omen for a couple, especially in an unmarried relationship. The explicit acknowledgement that you’ve got problems feels like a bad thing because by seeking it out, you’re admitting that you’ve got problems you can’t solve alone. It feels like an admission of defeat, like if you can’t solve this; then the relationship might as well be over anyway. If you’ve got relationship problems that you are struggling to solve, challenging your views on the nature of relationship counselling, and what it says about your relationship can prove central to strengthening your relationship.

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Finding Couples Therapy in Ottawa

CouplesTherapyOttawa2You love your partner, your partner loves you. But things aren’t going the way you feel they should be. You’re interested in couple’s therapy, so you reach out online to find a therapist, and are left with more questions than answers. Which type of therapy is best? Which therapist is best for you? You’re overwhelmed and not sure what to do next.

We understand. We can help.

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The Unsung Benefits of Marriage Counselling

marriage-counselling-ottawa-therapist-sessionWe’ll let you in on some sage advice: “You could use marriage counselling if a) you’re married, and b) you’re breathing” – Matthew Turvey. Read More

4 Bad Habits Couples Counselling Relieves

marriage-therapists-ottawa-coupleThere are so many ways you can improve your relationship with couples counselling. There’s a lot you can learn from the techniques your counsellor teaches you in your sessions, and valuable information for you to take with you into other relationships and parts of your life. But what about those bad habits that are so deeply rooted? Believe it or not, couples counselling can help relieve a handful of those bad habits, too.

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Family Therapy and The Mindful Family

family-therapy-mindfulFamilies are equally as great as they are complicated. When you’ve got a whole group of relationships, communication styles, sibling revelries and personalities at play, everything combined makes for a strong emotional toll on everyone involved. Sometimes it’s sweet harmony, and other times it’s brutal conflict. Wouldn’t it be great to have more of the happy and less of the complicated? Family therapy really can help take care of life’s precious relationships. Being mindful of the way families work systematically, similar to dominos, paying attention to the growing and changing, helping the team work. Read More

3 Subtle Changes To Improve Your Marriage Counselling

marriage-counselling-affectionWhen you go to marriage counselling to improve that sacred bond, you learn a lot about how to positively behave toward your spouse (and vice versa) to reignite a spark and keep your marriage healthy. Improving a marriage doesn’t always require gigantic leaps and bounds to keep it flowing. For some couples, rather, changing a few of your habits are what make the biggest difference in how you feel about your relationship. So while you’ve taken that gigantic first step of going to marriage counselling to help that relationship grow, there are a lot of small changes you can incorporate into your lifestyle to make even more of your valuable marriage counselling sessions. Here’s our list of those subtle changes, yet impactful changes to help you on your way to marital bliss! Read More

3 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Marriage Counselling

marriage-counselling-handsAfter marriage comes the blissful honeymoon. For many, the honeymoon phase fades and things get complicated. Rather than being overcome by stress and giving up all hope, some couples decide to enter marriage counselling. Like many couples who decide to go to therapy, they expect to see some changes but aren’t exactly sure how marriage counselling works beyond talking with their therapist and learning some skills. After diving into the effective therapy sessions, many couples realize how useful couples therapy is and how much it improves their relationship; but there are a few things you and your partner can do to get even more out of your marriage counsellingRead More

Saying “Yes” to Couples Counselling Ottawa

hands-couples-counselling-ottawaWhile we’re sure you have a list of reasons to say no to going to couples counselling Ottawa, we want to help you see the light in a difficult situation. Turn that frown upside down, because we’ve been through this situation many times before and we have a lot to offer you in terms of relationship help. Although this is a tough emotional decision to make, there are many reasons to consider saying yes to couples counselling Ottawa.  Read More

Falling In Love With Marriage Counselling Ottawa

heartIt’s likely that reason you’re researching marriage counselling Ottawa is because of love. It can be a tough decision to make, but therapy sessions are more common than you might think, and for good reason. If you’re having a difficult time with the idea of marriage counselling Ottawa, we have a few reasons you’ll fall in love with therapy and more in love with your partner.
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Lessons Learned in Ottawa Marriage Counselling

married-coupleYou’ve heard the saying “you learn something new every day”, by this point in your life. Although sometimes it takes trial and error, we are of course, thankful for each lesson we learn, no matter how hard it was to get to that reflective state. Although having problems with your marriage is a difficult time, Ottawa marriage counselling sessions are aimed to help you and your partner find the light at the end of the tunnel. Read More